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Christ & Wagner internationale Möbeltransporte GmbH

Wiesenstr. 21
65843 Sulzbach
Tel.: +49 6196 76 50 10

This company belongs to the professional association for vehicle keeping (district administration: Wiesbaden)

Stefan Klein

HRB 114735, Frankfurt am Main
VAT ID: DE282335649

Federal Office for Logistics and Mobility, Werderstraße 34, 50672 Cologne

Darmstadt Regional Council, Luisenolatz 2, 64283 Darmstadt

In the event of disagreements with consumers arising from or in connection with this contract that cannot be resolved between the contractual partners, the consumer has the option of going to the relocation arbitration board in the event of a complaint.
The “Relocation Arbitration Board” at the Federal Association of Furniture Shipping and Logistics (AMÖ) e.V., Schulstraße 53, 65795 Hattersheim ( is responsible.


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Picture credit

Adobe Stock

  • #46643398 @ rufous
  • #391397666 @
  • #45315785 @ nicknick_ko
  • #414536087 @ Tiko
  • #364845556 @ Anton Ivanov Photo
  • #364846589 @ Anton Ivanov Photo
  • #364846399 @ Anton Ivanov Photo
  • #364846993 @ Anton Ivanov Photo
  • #364846623 @ Anton Ivanov Photo
  • #604341752 @ Stimmungsbilder1
  • #21377713 @ Oli_ok
  • #346732539 @ ArtEvent ET
  • #24877224 @ petrabarz
  • #76461611 @ fottoo
  • #96820284 @ Jaroslav Pachý Sr.
  • #376988727 @ Wieslaw
  • #594062204 @ MediaM
  • #577980754 @ Kien
  • #364847134 @ Anton Ivanov Photo
  • #587120387 @ VisualProduction
  • #587120472 @ VisualProduction
  • #577980715 @ Kien
  • #479319752 @ Florence Piot


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